Obama’s Restroom Break!
Find out Mason Weaver, founder of Ur2bFree has discovered about Obama’s Restroom Break.
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Posted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | May 21, 2016 | Political |
Find out Mason Weaver, founder of Ur2bFree has discovered about Obama’s Restroom Break.
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Apr 4, 2016 | Political |
The US Navy stopped, boarded and confiscated weapons shipped from Iran illegally. This is a much more serious violation than the US Sailors who entered Iranian waters a few weeks ago. But, unlike the US Sailors, America let them...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Jan 18, 2016 | Political |
The battle to win hearts and soles are often lonely, unsupported and even criticized by friends and allies. But when you hear reports of the successes and victories, it makes up for all of it. The anger, hatred, lost families...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Jan 14, 2016 | Political |
Mason Weaver’s latest video.The Veterans Administration supposedly wanted to fire Mr. Lance Robinson from the Phoenix VA Office two years ago. He was put on “Administrative” leave for two years, collecting his...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Jan 5, 2016 | Political |
Liberals support Islamic Terroist because they have the same philosophy of life. Confirm or die! If you disagree they hate you. They are intolerant, deceptive and control freaks. We can no more debate with liberals than we can a...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Oct 8, 2015 | Political |
www.Ur2Bfree.com I want to thank the Gun Control nutty Hollywood freaks show called “People’s Magazine” for publishing the contact information on our “OUR” elected officials. Now we, the sane and...
Read MoreWisdom comes not from the journey, but from the experiences along the way!