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LTP Cultural News



LTP News Sharing: As we as a country celebrate Juneteenth, the final end of slavery in the United States 159 years ago, I am always amazed at the fact that over 90% of the black vote continues to go to the Democrats. The overwhelming majority of the harm that has been...

Kamala Harris’s Ancestors Were Slave Owners

LTP News Sharing:  The despicable Democrats peddle the false narrative that America is a racist country and tear down statues of slave owners, but happily elect as Vice President and support for nomination as President the descendant of one of Jamaica’s biggest slave...

Ex- Berkeley militant Mason Weaver with Ginni Thomas. Obama, BLM and more

Ginni Thomas, the ​founder of Liberty Consultant, interviews ex Berkely radical Mason Weaver source

Americans are waiting!

"Black Americans are still waiting for their forty acres and a mule, women for their equal rights, AIDS victims for more funding, the poor for more aid, and all are placing blame and anger at someone else.” Weaver

Nothing Is Racist Anymore

I know that's not a popular headline, but it really is true. The word "racist" has officially become cliche as it has become so overused that it means nothing anymore. Don't get me wrong, I know there are racists, and I know the things some people say are racist. I...

(Video MUST WATCH) Out of Shadows: The Evils Among Us The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on...

(Video) The Lincoln Emancipation Statue

The Lincoln Emancipation Statue The nuts want to cast down the Lincoln emancipation statue. It was depicting Lincoln free the slaves from the oppressive DEMOCRATS. He was pulling the blanket off their faces showing them they were free. Seeing these democrat lunatics...

(Video) Why believe the Science?

Science said the planets revolved around the earth, the Sun was 35,000 miles from the earth and that black people were inferior to white people. Science is known to be wrong most of the time. Rat feces in your medicine, is this right? Instead of turning to science why...

(Video) Must Watch Lessons to learn from the Atlanta shooting

#1. Don't fall asleep in a Wendy's Drive Through while intoxicated. #2. Do not fight the police, especially do not win the fight (that tends to upset them) #3. Do not take his weapon (ANY WEAPON) #4 Do not point that weapon or ANYTHING at a police officer, especially...

The Panic is Real!

While the Corona Flu is not causing the Panic, and the reasons for the panic are not real...the panic is real. People are reacting to their beliefs and that is causing stress, distress and a mess. All of us must react to and deal with the public sense of crisis. Take...

Why Does the Black Community Continue to Let the Master Kill Them Off?

We celebrate a man today who fought for civil rights and freedom, but the rest of the year we continue to celebrate the single most enslaving organization in the world. Planned Parenthood. People of all walks of life—black, white, Asian, Christian, non-believer, rich,...

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“Truth is eternal and unchangeable and does not submit itself to the thoughts, hope or actions of man.” -Weaver


“No race, culture or nationality in America has ever achieved economic freedom by political means.” -Weaver


Success is a verb, not a noun. It is based upon what you are doing not what you are thinking.


Success begins with the family! Only the American people can resolve social and economical problems.

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