LTP News Sharing:
The end of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency cannot come soon enough.
As we eagerly anticipate tomorrow’s reinstatement of President Trump, Project 21 Ambassador Emery McClendon has written a farewell letter to President Biden, published in The Journal Gazette.
After listing devastating evidence of Biden’s failures, Emery manages to end on an optimistic note:
We hereby serve notice that we, the people, and the new Trump administration are now coming back to make America great again. We shall do everything in our power to overcome the destruction and turmoil of your administration, and we will work to turn America around.
Read Emery’s letter below.
Dear President Biden:
Four years will soon pass with you having sat in the Oval Office of the greatest nation in the world, having served as president and our commander in chief. Sadly, most of your term you were AWOL, incoherent, missing in action or on vacation; and we the people don’t really know who it was at the helm.

Emery McClendon
On Day One of your administration, the process that you implemented began to grind our nation’s status down to that of a Third World nation.
You degraded our military, opened up our borders and invited and encouraged illegals to come to America to drain our economic resources, destroy our institutions and standard of living by allowing crime sprees from coast to coast by violent gangs who brought in dangerous drugs at an unprecedented rate.
All while you and your party looked the other way and blamed those failures on dedicated Americans and the Republican Party.
The American citizen has had enough.
Our schools are worse off, and today we have the dangerous teachings of critical race theory and diversity equity, and inclusion in our classrooms, while real education, such as the three “R’s” were and continue to be ignored.
Our children are being told they are born without sex or gender, and they can choose their own preference without parental notification or permission.
The Biden administration has indoctrinated precious vulnerable minds, leading them to accept they are obligated to change their bodies through violent transgender surgery so they can be all that they can be instead of what God created them to be.
Under your Department Of Education, our children have longer school hours, they are enrolled at younger ages, yet are learning less in the classroom because of “woke” doctrines.
These policies are putting America’s future at risk.
Children are being told to disrespect the flag of the United States Of America, and they are taught that our historic sites and monuments are racist and many have been removed. Lastly, they are being used as social experiments for LBGTQ indoctrination.
Our Justice Department has become corrupted. They wrongfully detained many innocent Americans under your watch, and they have been labeled “insurrectionists,” held without a fair trial and been mistreated for four years. Congressional hearings that were held were illegally constructed. They continue to be held in deplorable conditions.
Congress went after a former president on your watch, pursuing false claims and charges. Even though your administration and Congress failed to convict him, your administration continued to smear his reputation.
God, justice and the American people prevailed over your dirty tactics last Nov. 5. Donald Trump is now the president-elect, and in a few short days he will be inaugurated as the 47th president of the United State, for a second term.
Even after losing this last election, you and your political party, along with many Republicans, refuse to stand down. Since the election, you have done everything possible to throw roadblocks into President-elect Trump’s path in an attempt to make our country’s governmental system and our economy a failure for the next four years.
Land grabs, locking up the environment so that America cannot be energy independent, stifling our supply chain, using climate change as an excuse to regulate our natural resources, and hindering farm production are just a few more disruptive tactics that your administration is using to destroy the American dream.
The list goes on.
You have used wars, the distribution of billions of dollars from our economy, transferring it to rouge nations, along with attempting to form treaties with America-hating organizations to fundamentally transform us into a Marxist country.
All of this is unprecedented, and leaves many of us wondering why a sitting president and his party would want to sabotage America.
America is a sovereign nation.
We hereby serve notice that we, the people, and the new Trump administration are now coming back to make America great again. We shall do everything in our power to overcome the destruction and turmoil of your administration, and we will work to turn America around.
We love our great nation, and we respect our founding principles.
It’s time for us to renew our faith in Almighty God, and it is time to put America first once again.
Freedom and liberty (use them or lose them).
Emery McClendon
Project 21 Ambassador Emery McClendon is a community organizer in northern Indiana. This was first published in Fort Wayne’s The Journal Gazette.
Author: The National Center