LTP News Sharing:

The United States Supreme Court struck down the Blaine Amendments this week in the Carson v. Makin case. “This decision, which will enhance school-choice opportunities, is great news for anyone who genuinely seeks increased workplace diversity by legal and nondiscriminatory means,” writes Free Enterprise Project (FEP) Director Scott Shepard in his latest commentary for Real Clear Markets.

Scott ShepardThe column details how the Carson decision’s impact on school choice could positively influence lawful and nondiscriminatory diversity in the workplace.

“If we want racially and ethnically diverse workplaces,” Scott continues, “we have to make sure that students of all races and ethnicities get all of the tools they need in school to compete at the highest levels.”

Scott also provides a background of the Blaine Amendments and their “patently bigoted” original purpose, as well as an analysis of the Carson decision.

The column also breaks down how a government monopoly on schools is producing a low quality education. “Government is virtually never an efficient supplier of anything. Layers of pointless and counterproductive bureaucracy cost a lot of money.” Scott explains.

“Government monopolies are particularly prone to inefficiency because competition drives down costs.” writes Scott. “And government education monopolies are perhaps more prone to inefficiency than anything in the modern era.”

“What [parents] need is a way to access proper, rigorous education for their children. That way is facilitated by an education system that gives parents money to spend on any schooling they wish,” writes Scott.

To read the full piece, click here.

Author: Ethan Peck