The following article, CNN Analyst Tweets Convo Between GOP Senators, It Goes Viral, Then Admits He Made It Up, was first published on Flag And Cross.

If this tweet from Joe Lockhart never went viral, what are the odds he would’ve admitted it was all a big joke? Slim to none? Zilch? No chance in the world? Quite possibly.

However, this ridiculous tweet from a man covering the impeachment of President Donald Trump ruffled quite a few feathers – and it isn’t hard to see why. Joe should feel pretty silly.

Never forget – THIS…is CNN…

Here’s his tweet:

Here’s where he admits it was a lie:


H/T: Twitchy

Continue reading: CNN Analyst Tweets Convo Between GOP Senators, It Goes Viral, Then Admits He Made It Up

John SalvatoreCNN Analyst Tweets Convo Between GOP Senators, It Goes Viral, Then Admits He Made It Up