Pin The Treason on the traitor

Ted Cruz called on the Biden Regime to fire the John Kerry after he informed Iran’s foreign minister of Israel’s covert defense plans. The aging millionaire diplomat, former senator and now Biden’s ‘climate czar’ is still capable of doing a lot of damage to the USA as well as Israel.

Kerry has carried on Obama’s habit of supporting Iran at the expense of Israel. Iran has threatened to annihilate Israel and also continues to press for the death of America, whom they refer to as the ‘Great Satan.’ Yet Obama illegally delivered 1.7 billion dollars to the Persian country, probably as a bribe in exchange for the phony peace deal. Obama also paid $400 million in ransom to Iran, who then released the Americans they had kidnapped.

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In other words, Obama and Kerry helped shove through a ‘peace deal’ with Iran that enriched the theocratic country while essentially allowing them to continue their nuclear weapons ambitions. It was a deal that echoed the 1994 agreement sponsored by the Clinton administration with North Korea. Jimmy Carter played the diplomat and he brokered a deal that gave Kim Il Sung $4 billion in US aid. The dictator didn’t miss a beat with his country’s nuclear weapons development.

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President Trump rightfully pointed out how bad the Iran deal was for America and tried to reverse it. Now that Biden and his party are back in charge, more bad deals will inevitably be made.

Kerry should step down, but won’t. Like Hillary, Obama, and all the other Socialist Democrat traitors, he is above the law.

—Ben Garrison

Corrupt Kerry keeps on getting richer. News of Kerry investing between 4 and 15 million dollars in oil and gas stocks right before he became Biden’s climate czar broke on Friday night. Funny how those who preach and scold us about saving the planet invest their own money in gas and oil. More climate hypocrisy from Kerry.


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