LTP News Sharing:

Shots were fired during a Trump campaign rally in Pennsylvania, yesterday. A bullet hit the former President in his ear, and he dove to the ground, engulfed by Secret Service agents. When he stood up with blood running off the side of his face, still surrounded by Secret Service, he pumped a defiant fist in the air at the crowd, and shouted, “Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” 

The rally was held in Butler, Pennsylvania, population 13,000. Why would a Presidential candidate hold a rally in a place like Butler, PA? Those are the types of people Trump represents. The forgotten men and women living in small town America, the people who are being crushed by the globalist vision of the world, the disposable people, the people who “cling to their guns and bibles”, the “deplorables”, the people that the elite left detests. Those are Trump’s people. He was in middle America, the heart of America, while Joe Biden campaigns on the coasts with billionaires and Hollywood royalty.


The globalist elites, who Joe Biden does the bidding of, are at war with middle-class America. They are at war with everything that is good in America. That’s why Biden opened the border allowing illegal aliens to come into our country to take our jobs, suppress wages and murder Americans. That’s why he allows the Mexican cartels to bring deadly drugs into our country to poison our communities and kill over 100,000 of us every year. Those shots yesterday were not just fired at one man, they were fired at each one of us. They didn’t just try to kill Trump, they tried to kill everyone who he stands for, who he fights for, everyone who the globalist’s agenda is crushing under their iron boot. That bullet was a shot right at the heart of America.


Trump is in good company though. They killed Lincoln; they killed Martin Luther King; they killed the Kennedys; they killed Gandhi; they tried to kill Reagan. They killed Jesus. They always try to kill the good ones. When evil comes after you, you know that you are doing something right. The evil always tries to kill the good; it is not the other way around. Evil doesn’t try to kill evil. Evil lets evil live.


The left has been trying to get rid of Trump for 8 years. They impeached him twice. They indicted him 92 times. They falsely accused him of colluding with the Russians and being a stooge of Vladimir Putin. They stole the election from him. They tried to silence him; they tried to jail him; but he wouldn’t go away; he refused to surrender; so, now they actually tried to kill him. They knew exactly what they were doing.


In April, Democrat Representative Bennie Thompson proposed a bill to take away Secret Service protection from convicted felons, just before Trump was convicted in a bogus felony trial. Trump would be dead right now if Thompson’s legislation had passed. Thompson knew what he was doing. He was creating a situation that would open the door to an assassination attempt on Trump. He knows the rhetoric of hatred and violence directed at Trump could inspire one unhinged person to take matters into his own hands. It only takes one.


While Trump was President, Madonna said she had fantasies about “blowing up the White House with Trump inside. Comedienne Kathy Griffin posted a picture of herself holding Trump’s severed head. Actor Johnny Depp, asked the question, “when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

In 2017, in the final scene of New York City’s Public Theater’s “Julius Caesar”,  a Trump-like figure playing the title role was stabbed to death by a band of angry Senators.

Celebrities Robert DeNiro, Snoop Dog, Mickey Rourke, Moby, Anthony Bourdain, and many others, have all threatened violence and even death at Donald Trump at one time or another. There has never been this level or volume of hate directed at one politician, like there has been at Trump.

It is not just the overt threats that can motivate someone to try to assassinate a politician, it’s the de-humanizing of him. It starts with something like censorship, and then with cancel culture, all the things that conservatives, especially Donald Trump, have been facing for the last 5 to 10 years from the left. Trump has been silenced, he’s been deplatformed, he has had his basic human rights stripped from him. When you’re not worthy to speak, you’re not worthy to be a member of society. When they take your human rights from you, they take your humanity from you, and it then becomes that much easier to take your life from you.


The characterizations of Trump by many of the celebrities who influence society have been as evil and sinister as they have been wrong. Actress Chrissy Teigen claimed that Donald Trump will “come after” her if he re-takes the White House. George Clooney warned that if Trump won our “democracy” was at risk, and Julia Roberts claimed that “our children’s future, our grandchildren’s future… [are] at stake right now.” 


Jane Fonda said that if Donald Trump is elected in November, we will not have a “livable future” and Trump poses an “existential” threat to America.


Melinda Gates claimed that Trump will endanger “the health of women, compromising their safety and robbing them of essential freedoms” and that Trump’s policies will cause “more than 100,000 maternal and child deaths globally.”


Democrat Representative Maxine Waters said that because of Donald Trump, she “was very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color.”


Political commentators Rachel Maddow warned that Trump would try to take her off the air, and in a not-so-subtle reference to Adolph Hitler and Nazism, she claimed that Trump “plans to build camps to hold millions of people.” 


The New York Times called Trump an “authoritarian” and said that his rhetoric was “fascist”. On July 5, 2024, a week after Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the magazine, The Nation wrote an article entitled, Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?

In September 2022, Joe Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia in which he called Trump’s MAGA movement, “semi-fascist”. And on Monday, on a call with his supporters, Biden told them directly, “we’re done talking about the debate… It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” 

They knew exactly what they were doing. They created a perfect storm of dehumanization and vilification which would lead directly to what happened yesterday. And after all that hate toward Trump has been disseminated for years, the question is not, ‘why would someone try to assassinate Donald Trump?’; the more accurate question is, ‘why would someone not try to assassinate Donald Trump?’ If he is truly as evil as the left and the media continually portray him, if he is truly the next coming of Adolf Hitler and going to put millions in concentration camps, if he’s an existential threat to America, assassination should be a viable option.


It’s like that philosophical question: ‘If you lived in 1930 and knew then what you know today, would you have assassinated Adolph Hitler?’ Most people would say, ‘absolutely’. And they would believe they would be doing the right thing, the moral thing, what was best for humanity. How many times has Trump been called a fascist, a Nazi, Adolf Hitler by the left and the media? And each time they did that, they knew they were putting a target on his back. Thomas Crooks, the man who shot Trump, most likely believed that he was doing the right thing, the moral thing; he most likely believed that he was saving the country, saving the world, saving humanity.


But Trump is none of the things that the left and the media characterize him as being, not even close. He is exactly what he says he is. He wants to make America great again. That’s it. And that means doing everything opposite of what the globalist elites want. And that is why they have to destroy him, that is why they have to kill him if necessary. But when they finally kill him, we are next. And when they do come after us, we can’t go away; we can never surrender. We must stand up with a balled fist and Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!



Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.