LTP News Sharing:

On tonight’s episode of the Fox News Channel program “Hannity,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper, Rep. Wesley Hunt and host Sean Hannity discussed why President Biden’s support among black Americans seems to be dwindling.

Horace told them:

In my latest book, called Put Y’all Back in Chains: How Joe Biden’s Policies Hurt Black Americans, I predicted that we were going to see a rejection of Joe Biden‘s policies, this whole destruction of the economy.

Under the Trump administration, black Americans saw gains that we had not seen in generations. But here is what was so exceptional: Like during the Reagan years, it didn’t matter whether you were black or white. America improved.

The thing under Trump was that black Americans grew at a faster rate economically. Black Americans, per capita, bought more homes during the Trump period. Under the Biden administration, guess what? It’s time to meet the Repo Man! To take that new truck that you bought under the Trump administration, to foreclose you from your home.

Black Americans are wondering: Is the fix in?

If you work blue-collar jobs — a lot of Americans work blue-collar jobs, but more black men do per capita than the rest of America — if you unload and open the wall and just allow an unlimited number of illegal migrants, you are guaranteeing that those working-class Americans will not be able to compete.

And let’s not even talk about trying to take your kids to the McDonald’s. This administration has created an inflation that just destroys any household who makes under $50,000. That’s not fair. That’s not just. And that’s why black Americans are signaling they’re not gonna take it anymore.

Author: The National Center