LTP News Sharing:

It isn’t often that you’ll find us saying nice things about Hillary Clinton, but compared to Vice President Kamala Harris, Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper says Hillary starts to look good:

No one said that [Hillary] wasn’t willing to work hard. No one said she wasn’t wanting to study and learn the issues. We just disagreed with her policy priorities.

In the case of the vice president, not only do we disagree with these policies, we don’t have any reason to think that she actually understands or comprehends them.

On the Fox Business Network program “Evening Edit,” Horace told guest host Tammy Bruce of Kamala:

This woman should be thanking the Lord for the amazing one-in-a-billion chance that she got to be named as the running mate to Joe Biden. She showed her appreciation for that by not being willing to do any work! Very little of the reading! She spends more time chasing away her staff than she does in learning topics. She asked for the media to help explain away how she did ZERO with regard to the border problem that this country faces.

And now a lot of people are asking the question, “Hey Vice President Harris, when did you notice this decline in the president? You claim you are with him weekly, having lunches, and you’re his partner. When did you find out that he isn’t up to par? And if you knew this, why didn’t you tell the American people? And if you didn’t know this, how can we trust you to be in charge of anything?”

To combat these doubts and questions, the mainstream media has started pretending that Kamala is more competent than she is. Horace says those thinking critically should start to recognize a pattern:

We just had a debate where we were all were told,”don’t believe your lying eyes,” and suddenly it exploded.

The very people — the media, the elites — that promised that everything was great with [President Biden] are doing the same with her.

Focus groups are telling everyone who will listen, “this isn’t gonna work.”

And Horace notes that it’s not just Kamala’s incompetence that is turning off voters, but the fact that her values are vastly different than those of the majority of Americans:

When I was a kid, left-wingers running for president lied and claimed that they shared all of your values and that they were going to be more “middle America” than middle America.

This is the first time we’re seeing: They’re not lying! They’re telling us: “We reject your mainstream values. We are not gonna honor your relationship with Israel. We’re not gonna fight crime. We are going to take America in an entirely new direction.”

How you can tell the truth and get elected like they’re doing? I can’t imagine it working.

Author: The National Center