LTP News Sharing:

In the wake of the latest attempted assassination of Donald Trump, leftists in politics and the media need to make sure their condemnation of political violence is heard louder than their condemnation of the former president.

After playing clips from Senator Chris Coons and MSNBC host Joy Reid trying to repaint Trump’s would-be assassins as actual Trump supporters, Fox Business host Elizabeth MacDonald asked Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper about this twisted leftist blame game.

Horace told Liz on “The Evening Edit”:

This is victim shaming. Victim blaming. If you have been the target of an assassin, for progressives it’s your fault! Maybe it’s what you were wearing. Maybe it was where you were located. This is outrageous!

It is unbelievable that we can’t have responsible elected leaders stand up and say, “There is no violence allowed in our political system. You want to support your candidate? Do so freely. No shooting. No stabbing. No violence of any kind.”

Shame on them….

Why on earth would we care what the failed assassin’s registration was in terms of who they were voting for or who they weren’t voting for? It turns out — the evidence is overwhelming — this person hated Donald Trump….

But the point here is: If you’re the media, if you’re an elected official, you ought to be saying to everybody, “There’s never any reason to resort to violence. Our political system requires us to never resort to violence.”

Author: The National Center