LTP News Sharing:

Noting how liberal politicos appear to condone rioting and looting in the wake of George Floyd’s death – even though it hurts black communities and black-owned businesses – Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper told Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham and fellow guest Dinesh D’Souza that Americans need to “wake up” to the tricks liberals have been using to try to keep black Americans on their side.

On “The Ingraham Angle,” Horace pointed out that muted-at-best liberal concerns about the economic and physical destruction in black areas reveal their cynical reliance on transforming trouble for black America into political support:

From the 19th century, the 20th century and the 21st century, there have always been efforts on [liberals’] part to intimidate black Americans. The kind of people that want to work, the kind of people that want to own their own businesses, the kind of people that want to succeed.

The irony is, it’s really clever this time – because the effort to set blacks back is being done in the name of saving blacks.

I’m asking black America, white America, brown America – wake up. Look and see what they’re doing. Don’t let it happen again. Two centuries was enough.

And, during seasons when people are doing better and begin to consider things differently, there is a swift and powerful pushback:

It’s conformity and it’s power.

Again – if you own your own business, if you are middle-class, upper middle-class, if you are succeeding and independent, you don’t need the [liberal] agenda. And it is essential they stop that from occurring.

The post Liberal “Effort to Set Blacks Back Is Being Done in the Name of Saving Blacks” appeared first on The National Center.

Author: David Almasi