LTP News Sharing:

AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez

As RedState reported, Joe Biden is allegedly COVID-positive. That led to a quick exit from Las Vegas, where the president was originally scheduled to hold a campaign event. The day before, he spoke to the NAACP annual convention, showing no sign of COVID, but plenty of signs of senility. 

Video of Biden arriving on the tarmac and boarding Air Force One immediately raised eyebrows. To put it succinctly, the president looked completely gone, and it sure didn’t look to be COVID-related. 

Never has one minute said so much about a man’s condition. The clip starts with Biden getting out of the presidential limousine, but something happens and he appears to freeze. After several seconds, a member of the Secret Service reaches over and helps him stand up. The president then turns to his right and attempts to give a thumbs-up to someone. It appears that he says “I’m good,” though I’m not an expert lip-reader.  

From there, Biden begins to walk toward the short stairs on Air Force One, hunched over a bit with his arms locked by his side. As has been mentioned before, the loss of motor skills in one’s arms and hands is a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease. 

Biden then offers a salute before grabbing the handrail on the stairs. A couple of steps up, though, he freezes for a moment, appearing to lose his balance. He then continues in an extremely slow manner and with a very stiff presentation. At the top of the stairs, he again pauses momentarily, and his last few steps appeared heavily labored, as if he almost wasn’t going to make it. 


The entire sequence was very disturbing, and though I usually try to steer away from conspiracy theories, I’m very skeptical that any of this is a product of COVID-19. I wasn’t the only one either. Many speculated that the real reason behind this sudden departure from the campaign trail was to buy time for Biden and hide deliberations about his future.

I tend to agree. The timing here is far too convenient given news broke on Wednesday morning that Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has asked Biden to step aside. The DNC also just delayed its nomination process, pushing back its virtual roll-call. Then all of a sudden Biden has “got COVID” and is being rushed off to Delaware and not the White House for what will probably be at least a week of isolation? Yeah, I’m not buying it, and neither is almost anyone else. Something is up here.