LTP News Sharing:

Greg Gutfeld on new show ‘Gutfeld!’ (Credit: ‘Gutfeld!’)

The festival of fakery that was the DNC finally wrapped on Thursday night. 

They’re trying to sell that you have to vote for them to save democracy — even as they attacked democracy, shoving the guy who got more than 14 million votes in the primary off the ballot for one who didn’t even get one primary vote for the position. They also tried to shove former President Donald Trump off the ballot, as well as some of the third-party candidates. 

They also tried to say they were about joy — while spending all the time attacking their opponent and millions of his supporters, while not spending much time at all talking about the things that they would do to serve the people. Of course, the problem is that they really can’t talk about that because they’ve been in office for three-plus years and have produced a failed record. So they’re in sort of a conundrum of having to paint Kamala as a change agent despite the fact that she was in charge with Joe Biden for the last few years. That’s a hard thing to sell. Then she’s not even talking about policy or doing any interviews, just doing recited speeches off a teleprompter. 

Meanwhile, Trump is open to talking with anyone about his plans. He managed to upstage her by running down the lies that she told as he posted on Truth Social. He also did an interview with Bret Baier and Martha McCallum on Fox. 

But what was funny was they had to cut him short to go to Greg Gutfeld’s show. Gutfeld then came on and joked about how he hoped Trump wasn’t mad at him because they had to cut to him. He invited Trump to call him, saying he had his number, “Hey Donald, you have my number, call me…I hope he’s not mad at me.” And lo and behold, Trump did. The audience loved it. 

Don’t say anything that will get you in trouble, Gutfeld jokes. Trump joked back, saying at this point what difference does it make? He then said a few words that he thought the campaign was going well and the coup against Biden. 

Now, unlike Kamala Harris’ cringy scripted calls, this is what an unscripted call sounds like. Trump can upend and have more fun with one call than their whole boring fake event. 

That’s what being authentic looks like. 

That’s the thing the Democrats really don’t get and can’t imitate as they try to control everything — Trump’s authentic connection with the people. You can see it here too, as Trump leaves the protection of the protective plastic, probably giving the Secret Service a heart attack, and going over to see how a supporter is after they had to call for medical help for her because she was feeling faint. 

That’s real appreciation on both ends of that exchange. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris wouldn’t even tell the American people her policies. 

Trump is out there doing the work, while Democrats are pitching vibes and lies. It’s not a hard choice.