LTP News Sharing:

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Do you get the feeling that the media is starting to dislike Kamala Harris?

Despite all the Joy©  that the media had recently been peddling with all the conviction of a billboard in Pyongyang, one senses an underlying mood of growing discomfort.

“Was CNN’s big Kamala Harris interview a dud?” asked the Washington Post. CNN itself criticized Kamala for her flip-flopping on border security. MSNBC ripped her for her flip flopping on Israel. Arch-leftist Chris Cillizza wondered if there is anything Kamala actually believes. Axios called her out for mimicking Biden’s basement campaign strategy. Even the Guardian insisted she needs to stop hiding and to talk to the press.

That’s certainly a 180 degree change from the headlines she was making throughout July.

What to make of all this? At this point in the Gore, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and Biden campaigns, the media had by now firmly circled the wagons and was playing its dutiful part as a neutered Pravda to the Democrat Politburo. There was no question of ever criticizing their candidate in public. So what is different this time around?

There are two possible explanations for this newfound media skepticism and criticism of Kamala. The first explanation is that the media found its soul and is once again doing its job as a fair and balanced, objective arbiter of news and politics.


Thanks folks, I’ll be here all week.

The second explanation is that the media is experiencing sustained fatigue at having to consistently defend an idiot. Make no mistake: they want Trump to lose, and they are doing everything in their power to affect this. But hear me out on my line of thinking.

They sold Biden as the “normal” candidate who was going to restore order, civility, bipartisanship, class, and accountability after four years of alleged Trumpian chaos. They might have actually believed that to be true at the time. But fast forward to today, and barely anyone in the mainstream media, not even incurable leftists, are attempting to maintain that façade. Without even factoring in his senility, it is accepted knowledge that Joe Robinette Biden Jr. is an imbecilic, bitter, and corrupt husk of soulless putrescence. 

Simply put, the mainstream media had undoubtedly tired of having to defend him against himself. They knew who he was, they knew that we knew who he was, and they knew that we knew that they knew who he was. There were no more ways for them to deny, evade, deflect, or ignore the reality about Biden. And they were happy to help Pelosi shuffle him into the West Wing Bingo room, where he sits to this day, dauber in hand, staring vacantly into the void of an unaccomplished life.

Embedded within this explanation is also the media’s desire to save face. A poll from earlier this year shows that over 80% of Americans don’t trust the mainstream media. This puts the media in a conundrum. They want to keep providing cover for Democrats to help them win elections. But they can’t do that if nobody trusts them. And it’s near impossible to go to bat for Democrats who reek of brazen incompetence, even by leftist standards. Slick used car salesmen like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama made the media’s job so much easier. The opposite is true with the likes of Biden, and now Harris.

Mind you, the media wants to save face not out of any sense of journalistic integrity or professional ethics. They’re happy to feed lies to gullible audiences ad nauseam. But they can’t do this if the audience long since walked away, so they need some sort of restoration of their credibility. They couldn’t lie for another four years for Biden and restore their credibility at the same time, so they were glad to assist in the palace coup. But, in doing so, they may have jumped out of the pan into the fire.

Because the senile, bitter Biden has been replaced with the cackling, clueless Harris. And, though they desperately want her to win, they simply cannot be looking forward to defending her every gaffe, her every evasion, her every ramble, and her every incompetent decision for the next four years. They’re tired of it, and you can tell in their subtly less-than-stellar recent criticisms of her.

So why did they support the coup? Mainly out of desperation. Biden was on track to lose, and to lose bigly. His mental decline presented a rare opportunity to switch out candidates in a way that wouldn’t have been possible in any other situation. They knew the DEI hire Harris wasn’t going to step aside for a Newsom or a Whitmer. By ousting Biden, they knew Harris was in all probability the inevitable replacement. But they clung to a hope — an unsubstantiated, risky, but genuine hope — that somewhere in the last four years of experience, maybe little Kamala had outgrown the heehawing, word salad tosser of 2019 who couldn’t win her home state, and had since blossomed into a more serious, more informed, and more dignified candidate.


Her fledgling candidacy has raised enough eyebrows in the first month with missteps that would span an entire term for a normal candidate. She refuses to hold pressers with the media. Other than the scripted, pre-taped, highly edited, and chaperoned softball fest with Dana Bash, she refuses to do sit-down interviews. She pretends to be on the cell phone to avoid having to field questions. Her accent changes from crowd to crowd. She bizarrely chose Tim Walz for her VP pic, over the obvious choice of Josh Shapiro. And she’s already publicly flip-flopping on major issues in a transparent attempt to mask her radicalism.

In other words, Harris spent the last month reinforcing the conviction, held by everyone left and right, that she is an unprincipled airhead and completely unqualified for the job. The media knows it, and they’re not looking forward to another four years of making excuses for another Deep State sock puppet who can’t string together a complete sentence or formulate an original thought.

They’ll get no pity from me. They dug themselves into this hole, and now they’re looking for a way to crawl out of it without having to admit to, much less learn from, their unethical behavior. Obviously, as somebody who cares about America, I want Trump to win. But should all-Democrat vote counters in Philadelphia and Milwaukee locate another few million Harris votes at 4 AM on November 6th, the silver lining to the next four years of socialist hell will be watching the nursery minders of the mainstream media go completely nuts in trying to clean up her messes.