LTP News Sharing:

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees have been interviewing and releasing transcripts of the testimonies provided by Biden family associates as they launch their impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden though that’s certainly not all that they’re doing. On Thursday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced that he had subpoenaed credit card companies for the financial records of Biden family associates and even Biden family members. 

As the chairman shared with Fox Business’ “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo,” the move to subpoena such companies, including American Express, comes as they’ve learned from the interviews they’ve done that “there were several credit cards used by members of the Biden family,” which is believed to have been “for personal expenses.” Such credit cards, Comer believes, “were being paid by CEFC or through CEFC-funded affiliates.” 

The use of a credit card by Sara Biden, the wife of President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, came up during last month’s transcribed interview with Hunter Biden’s associate, Mervyn Yan.

In responding to Bartiromo’s question as to whether China was paying these credit card bills used for the Biden family “schemes,” Comer was certain “that there was a pretty extensive money laundering scheme” as well as that shell companies were used to conduct “a complex series of transactions.”

Comer was also confident that such a request will prevail in court. “So we’ve taken all the steps necessary to be to the point today where we’re issuing a subpoena that will win in court. Remember, we’re subpoenaing very sensitive information, very personal information from the Biden family,” he shared. “At the beginning of this investigation, nobody thought we would ever be able to obtain that information. But we’ve done everything the right way. And we’re winning, we’re in a position to where we can win in court. And I believe that we’ll be able to obtain that credit card information.”

In previous interviews over the last several months, Comer has reiterated the need to go about the process correctly for that very reason, so as to be able to best get to the bottom of the Biden family corruption. 

As for whether the credit card companies will comply, Comer answered later in the segment that it’s a matter of “we’ll see,” especially since the Biden White House has encouraged subpoenaed parties to not comply. “The White House will immediately call the financial institution or the individual being subpoenaed. And then threaten them and try to obstruct and encourage them to not cooperate with our investigation,” Comer warned. 

Comer reassured Bartiromo that “we’re going to get those financial records one way or another, but like everything else in our investigation, Maria, it takes a long time because we are obstructed by the Biden legal team [and] by the White House.”

Comer and Bartiromo also spoke about the testimony that associate Tony Bobulinski provided. In his testimony from last month that he provided, Biden family associate Rob Walker looked to denigrate Bobulinski’s role. It was a move that Democrats on the Oversight Committee engaged in as well. Nevertheless, as Spencer covered at the time, Bobulinski had quite the damning information to share during the testimony he himself provided earlier this week.

Comer emphasized that Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is dishonest, something the chairman said he “continues to be,” though he also assured “Tony Bobulinski will be vindicated. And once again, Jamie Raskin will be proven to be a liar.” Raskin, along with another Democrat on the Committee, Rep. Dan Goldman of New York, also behaved worse than Comer had ever seen, with the chairman noting they were “trying to intimidate Tony Bobulinski.” He even described them as those who “continue to defend the indefensible and “continue to serve as de facto Biden legal team attorneys,” which he insisted is “counter to everything that Congress should be about.”

The chairman had more to say about Bobulinski as well, calling him “the one honest credible guy that was involved with the Bidens,” adding that “he was so honest and so credible, Hunter defrauded him because he didn’t want to be in business with a guy like Tony Bobulinski.”

Summarizing various testimonies, including Bobulinski, Rob Walker, and Devon Archer, Comer shared what they learned is just how central now President Joe Biden really was to these business dealings. 

“Joe Biden was the central figure. He is what the Bidens were selling. He is how the Bidens took in tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. And I think most Americans are not happy with that,” Comer offered.

Later in the segment, Bartiromo and Comer reminded that the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees have demanded transcripts for interviews that Special Counsel Robert Hur conducted with Biden over his mishandling of classified documents, with a deadline in place of February 19. While Comer shared “we’ll get those transcripts just like we’ve gotten everything else,” he did note “it’s going to be a battle.”

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has also shared that Hur will appear before the Committee on March 12. 

The transcript of his testimony was released just days later, on Friday. As Comer reminded Bartiromo, Hunter Biden himself will testify on February 28. 



The First Family of Tax Cheats and Sellouts

By Jeff Davidson

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

Joe Biden, who is too mentally decrepit to be prosecuted for his blatant, unauthorized handling of classified documents, seeks to hire thousands of IRS agents. This maneuver, one might conclude, is to harass the middle class, particularly conservatives, and help pay for the unending boondoggle of multi-billion dollar expenditures that the Biden administration makes. 

Much Spent, Little to Show

In an astounding three months, the U.S. federal debt has jumped by $1 trillion. Our nation’s debt is now $34 trillion. Incredibly 1981, our total debt was $1 trillion, some 198 years after the government started deficit spending.

Meanwhile, the administration has little to show for the hundreds of billions it has dished out for the endless war in Ukraine, endless skirmishes throughout the Middle East, endless Homeland Security border lapses and associated expenses, and vacuous grants, research, and studies about useless issues. 

The multi-billions of dollars that U.S. defense forces abandoned in Afghanistan as a result of the poorly planned, hasty withdrawal didn’t help. The Biden administration also has dissipated $370 billion on climate projects, many of which are questionable. 

The financial blunders, aided and abetted by a compliant, feckless Congress, are a negative marvel to behold. Considering all of the above, it is most upsetting that Hunter Biden, likely James Biden, and likely Joe Biden are tax cheats. Federal prosecutors say that Hunter embarked upon a “four-year scheme” to skip out on paying a minimum $1.4 million in taxes. 

Last December, Hunter was charged with three felony and six misdemeanor tax avoidance charges. A typical citizen could be sentenced to as much as 17 years in prison if convicted. The charges against Hunter include filing a false or fraudulent tax return, and failure to file and pay taxes.

Coddled Beyond Hope and Reason

Hunter Biden is a walking cacophony of illegalities, shielded by his father. If ever a presidential adult offspring has been coddled beyond hope and reason and given a free pass to continue with behavior that the rest of society finds reprehensible, it is Hunter Biden. He is unique in history, and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. No need to recount the litany of his other behaviors, as virtually everyone with two brain cells is aware of them. 

Hunter Biden has cheated on his taxes in so many ways, and his transgressions have made their way to a high court, so what does that say to the rest of us? Is it okay if you come from the right family and are a highly privileged individual? 

Where are those on the Left to cry out about white privilege when it comes to discussing the all-time white privilege character — Hunter Biden? 

Similarly, Joe’s younger brother, James Biden, is no paragon of virtue. He’s been involved in illicit deals around the globe and, like Hunter, does his best to shield Joe, who Tony Bobulinski recently exposed as Hunter’s enabler. 

Corruption R Us

As of now, too much of the damning information has been exposed via bank records, emails, text messages, whistleblowers, eyewitnesses, testimony, and other means. The Biden family, quite simply, is as corrupt as a first family can be. 

By contrast, for all four years of Donald Trump’s time in office, the mainstream press, which carries water for the Democrats, attempted to frame Trump and his children. Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump, Jr. are model citizens compared to Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Joe Biden. The media’s duplicity is so thick, however, you could cut it with a knife.

Recently, numerous articles have appeared about major media outlets cutting staff. These organizations haven’t figured out that, non-stop, when they publish or propagate propaganda about the Bidens and any other criminal Democrats, fewer and fewer people are interested in buying it. 

Don’t shed any tears for “journalists” being let go. If they had stood their ground and didn’t capitulate to marching orders, some of them might have made headway in the profession, if not with their original company, then elsewhere. Instead, they contributed to the same corrupt press machine that has tried to pin all manner of crimes on Donald Trump and his family. 

The Cat Jumped the Bag Long Ago

The Bidens are tax cheats, plain and simple, bribe takers par excellence. They are among the worst possible role models you could have as the first family. Everyone on the right knows this, and, increasingly, even hardcore Leftists know it.