Elections have consequences! President Reagan’s and President Trump’s appointed judges destroy Biden’s vaccine order.

(Link to article below)

Where would we be if Hillary Clinton had appointed the 300 plus judges instead of President Trump? We would have Judges making laws, enforcing the will of government over citizens and destroying the Constitution.

Instead, we have hundreds of judges who understand their role is interpretation of the law and the Constitution. Biden’s Vaccine mandate was a dictatorial order from a King not a president. To order businesses to comply makes the government a pseudo partner with business. To require businesses to respond is dictatorial.

There is nothing in the US Constitution restricting or directing the citizens. Every sentence in the US Constitution restricts government not the citizens.

  • The Biden Vaccine mandates was an order from a dictator.
  • The Federal Court’s order was from a free people to its government.

Clarence A Mason

Read full Article: Click Here

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held that challengers were likely to succeed in their claim that the mandate was an unlawful overreach…

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