LTP News Sharing:

  By Chad Wolf, Executive Director, The America First Policy Institute

On September 11, 2001, I remember the shock and disbelief that swept through the halls of the U.S. Senate as we watched the attack on our homeland. As a young professional in the heart of our Nation’s capital, I was unsure what would come next, but I knew our world would never be the same.

After watching families, friends, and colleagues lose their loved ones, I felt a sense of duty to protect the homeland, which is still alive in me and many other Americans today. The 9/11 anniversary serves as a solemn reminder of the urgent national security threats confronting our Nation and the decisive leadership needed to tackle them.

Since 9/11, America has never been more vulnerable as it is today under the Biden-Harris Administration’s policies. Iran—the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism—is waging a multifront war against Israel with Hamas holding Israelis and Americans hostage. On the home front, over 10 million illegal immigrants and hundreds of known or suspected terrorists have entered American communities through Biden-Harris’ open southern border. Even members of the Biden-Harris Cabinet have in recent months warned about a resurgence of ISIS and the likelihood of another attack inside the United States.

But not all hope is lost. Our country will remain resilient, continuing to show that America will not bow down to those who threaten our democracy. In response to 9/11, courageous first responders, law enforcement, military personnel, and everyday Americans helped pick up the broken pieces. Their courage, compassion, and determination embodied the very best of America. Now, it’s time to pick up the pieces again and rebuild a brighter and safer future for all Americans.

As we honor the 2,977 innocent Americans we lost 23 years ago, let us remember how critically important it is to secure our homeland. We must come together and fight for America First policies that secure our border, safeguard American communities, and protect our citizens from evolving threats, both foreign and domestic.

9/11 showed us the vulnerabilities we overlooked and the fragility of life, but most importantly, it revealed the resilience of our Nation when faced with unthinkable tragedy.

Author: Frances Rice