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LTP Cultural News

(Video by Mason) Mask are Making You Sick

When I cut my grass, my mask makes my eyes water and my nose run. I see people all over town with these symptoms. The Mask are not keeping the virus out, nor in. Let's stop being manipulated and start resisting this nonsense. The government does not rule us, WE rule...

CDC-2249 DEAD From Vaccine So Far

CDC-2249 DEAD From Vaccine So Far & Your doctor can not tell you the long term effects of the vaccines…

How California’s Paradise Become Our Purgatory

LTP News Sharing:  AP Photo/Rich PedroncelliCalifornia has become a test case of the suicide of the West. Never before has such a state, so rich in natural resources and endowed with such a bountiful human inheritance, self-destructed so rapidly. How and why did...

The Panic is Real!

While the Corona Flu is not causing the Panic, and the reasons for the panic are not real...the panic is real. People are reacting to their beliefs and that is causing stress, distress and a mess. All of us must react to and deal with the public sense of crisis. Take...

How NFL players can actually help America’s black men

I am a motivational speaker, and I speak across this country on many topics. I’m getting feedback about the rights of citizens to control the workplace. We expect to be taken care of, managed and protected from each other. In my book, “It’s OK to Leave the...

Truth Delayed: Bodycam Video of George Floyd

The DailyMail has obtained the body cam footage of George Floyd before his death. Truth delayed, what do you think about this video? Is anyone asking why now? Also is anyone asking why the mainstream media remains silent about this footage? When will BLM go back home...

(Video) Black Americans: thank the Republicans

Black Americans thanks republicans Black Americans owe their freedoms, rights, heritage and love to the sacrifices of Republicans. We have a moral obligation to respect and thank the republicans. Clarence A Mason aka Mason...

Want to ban racist symbols? Then ban Democrats

Some wonder if all of the attacks on the symbols of the Confederacy would tear open the wounds of our racial past. Surely, the calls to remove all signs of the Civil War would divide our country and renew old hostilities. Instead we are seeing signs this may be...

(Video) What Happened Before Trump, Don’t Forget This

This must see video is still so relevant today and very telling about what is going today especially this point: One nation with one culture is strong and un-defeatable, the left knows this, therefore they want to divide us and to make us weak....

(Must See Video) Obama should go to jail

Why would we expect Liberals to be honest, fair, tolerant or open minded? They hate America and they hate you. Obama should be in Jail BUT, he gets away with everything he touches, just like a thug: Fast and Furious, Men in...

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“Truth is eternal and unchangeable and does not submit itself to the thoughts, hope or actions of man.” -Weaver


“No race, culture or nationality in America has ever achieved economic freedom by political means.” -Weaver


Success is a verb, not a noun. It is based upon what you are doing not what you are thinking.


Success begins with the family! Only the American people can resolve social and economical problems.

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