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LTP Cultural News

(Video) National Anthem is NOT racist.

(Video) National Anthem is NOT racist.

This little known, ineffective, outdated Civil Rights organization is calling OUR National Anthem racist because it uses the word “Slave” in a verse. They think black people are so weak we cannot even hear the word SLAVE? Are we so soft that we need protection from a...

If President Trump is a racist, he is not very good at it.

President Trump has increased black income, freed blacks from the inner city plantation and increased black businesses. source

Democrats party with Lobbyists while government is shutdowns

It is incredible that the democrat leadership took their planned trip to Puerto Rico to collude with Lobbyist while the government is shutdowns. Always addressing the middle class in words only, democrats will allow employees to be unemployed while Illegals work....

When did we surrender our culture?

When did we surrender our culture? Were we conquered by some advanced army? How did we surrender the greatest culture ever, to accept known failure? By Mason Weaver recently reported that Princeton University was instituting a 'Men’s Engagement Manager' to...

(Video) Black History Month? Why

Black History Month? Why Why would we demand and depend upon others to teach our history? Real Black History should be made every day. By Clarence A Mason aka Mason Weaver Join Us Check out my latest news and videos: Here...

Celebrate Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. not Doctor King!

[embedyt][/embedyt] Martin Luther King Jr. expressed his love and understanding of God in his life calling. He was recognized by man with his PH.d, but God ordained him with his calling. It was that calling which protected...

Tony Robbins used the word “Nigger”, so what?

Tony Robbins used the word Nigger. So what? source

Today’s media: Tokyo Rose by another name

If you were a lonely soldier on a Pacific island during World War ll and you only got your news about the war from Tokyo Rose, you would be depressed, disheartened, confused, angry and scared. You would feel like your values had been abandoned and your fight had no...

NAACP wants guns confiscated from blacks — what?

The NAACP wants to confiscate guns? What a sad commentary by NAACP president and CEO Derrick Johnson, calling for a national gun-confiscation program. What a complete sellout to the historical needs of black people to defend themselves against violence. Mr. Johnson...

After the Panic Comes the Control

Liberals and the other ungodly, believes fears gives them control. They devises problems and the solution always takes more of your rights away. After 911 we got the Patriots Act. What will be the solution after the Corona Hoax?...

How NFL players can actually help America’s black men

I am a motivational speaker, and I speak across this country on many topics. I’m getting feedback about the rights of citizens to control the workplace. We expect to be taken care of, managed and protected from each other. In my book, “It’s OK to Leave the...

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“Truth is eternal and unchangeable and does not submit itself to the thoughts, hope or actions of man.” -Weaver


“No race, culture or nationality in America has ever achieved economic freedom by political means.” -Weaver


Success is a verb, not a noun. It is based upon what you are doing not what you are thinking.


Success begins with the family! Only the American people can resolve social and economical problems.

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