Democracy or De-mockery
The Democrat party has exposed itself for all to see. They are intolerant, hateful,...
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Posted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Dec 18, 2019 | Memes, Political, RSS-LTP, Spiritual |
The Democrat party has exposed itself for all to see. They are intolerant, hateful,...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Nov 28, 2019 | Cultural, General |
By Mason Weaver I have heard this statement all of my decades of public life. Accusations delivered as if there are no real answers. I usually make a joke out of it, giving a short response like “NOTHING” we have...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Nov 23, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Joe Biden’s son: Cannot keep a job, cocaine problems and baby’s momma had to take him to court to get support. Sound familiar? Read more about the Baby Mama
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Nov 23, 2019 | General |
If you do not know the truth when you find it, you will follow the
greatest lie.
– Mason Weaver
Posted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Aug 3, 2019 | Spiritual |
Young ladies needs wisdom.
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Aug 3, 2019 | Breaking News, Political |
The wife of Congressional Oversight Committee Chairman Cummings is being investigated by the IRS. Both are facing possible criminal charges....
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Jun 9, 2019 | Cultural |
There was a time in my life when it just seemed obvious that getting married was the right thing to do. But over time, after being immersed in Red Pill culture and hearing a lot of horror stories, I thought there was a surprisingly good case against marriage to be made for men. What it really comes down to is that there are some very compelling arguments on both sides of the equation for guys. Which way should you go? Well, you need to consider the costs and benefits of marriage in the modern world.
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Mar 27, 2019 | General |
As we set the hard launch of Leave The Plantation Organization, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of the supporters, volunteers, and managers who worked so hard for so many hours to get us here. The love and dedication...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 20, 2019 | Cultural |
“Black Americans are still waiting for their forty acres and a mule, women for their equal rights, AIDS victims for more funding, the poor for more aid, and all are placing blame and anger at someone else.” Weaver
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 9, 2019 | Spiritual |
Posted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural |
Black men are the strongest men on earth … until they become old men. The slave master bred slaves...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural |
Why are we afraid of racists? Racist people have no or little effect on me. My book “Tribalism”...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural, Political |
So Democrats shut down the government to benefit illegal workers – not black workers, not poor American workers, not even legal immigrants … but illegal workers. They are illegal because their parents uprooted them, sneaked them...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Political |
The State of the Union is great because Americans are great. President Trump’s stunning performance at his first State of the Union address left his distractors speechless and dazed. The media could only focus on Mrs. Melania...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Political |
The idea of Oprah Winfrey running for president rose and failed like a cheap Fourth of July rocket. The hysterical Hollywood elites, along with the mainstream press, have been eager to find a suitable replacement for Trump. They...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Spiritual |
I am no stranger to racism or forgiveness. While in the Navy, a racist shipmate tried to kill me by dropping 2,800 pounds of steel and other metals on me, intending to end my life. It left me permanently disabled with a lifetime...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural |
I am not impressed with the students who traveled to Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., to protest, march and make demands after the Florida shooting. They challenged President Trump and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio to “Do Something”...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural, Political |
The end of February brings the end of Black History Month. That is the month for our annual celebration of the ritual destruction of the black community by the Democratic Party. Any study of black history has to be a study of...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Cultural, Political |
The NAACP wants to confiscate guns? What a sad commentary by NAACP president and CEO Derrick Johnson, calling for a national gun-confiscation program. What a complete sellout to the historical needs of black people to defend...
Read MorePosted by Clarence Mason. AKA "Mason Weaver" | Feb 8, 2019 | Political |
What has happened to you Republicans? How dare you sit at home and allow the lewd left to take control of the elections. We have worked too hard to turn the tide for you to relax now. How dare you sit at home because your...
Read MoreWisdom comes not from the journey, but from the experiences along the way!